Exhibition design at Louis Sullivan gallery

Background: News from Nowhere

Theme: A dilapidated earth environment a hundred years in the future

Concept: Coordinate system in an unseen world
In order to bring order and civilization to a new world as imagined by this exhibition, one must plot “coordinates.” The space design of this exhibition embodies the coordinate system plotted in this unseen, dilapidated world.
The Cartesian rectangular coordinate system is useful on a plane but becomes uneven when projected on a spherical surface. Fuller’s geometrical coordinates are made of twenty planes to minimize this imbalance. Both of these perspectives, however, insist on a universal order. The virtual future of this exhibition does not call for such universal and off-the-shelf order systems. Based on this thought, the exhibition space designed with Sullivan’s famous “Chicago Frame” is filled with a hexagonal grid distorted by the traffic flow, information direction, density, circulation, layout and relationships between the artworks. The result is a gigantic “cabinet of curiosities.”

Project Information
- Expertise: Spatial
- Year: 2013
Project Team
- Project Direction: Kaz Yoneda (ex-Takram)
- Architectural Design: Kaz Yoneda (ex-Takram)
- Art Direction: Moon KyungwonJeon Joonho
- Special Thanks: Generous support for the artists has been provided by Hyundai Motor Company, LB Investment, and Nefs Co. Ltd., along with Asiana Airlines in cooperation with GALLERY HYUNDAI, Seoul. Special thanks is also extended to the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency, for their support of the exhibition.
Takram would like to thank Mary Jane Jacobs, Executive Director, and the dedicated members of Sullivan Galleries, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, for their countless hours, making this exhibition space design possible and executing Takram’s design to its fullest extent.
Also, many thanks to Kris Budelis and Hiroki Sato for their assistance as interns.