Main Visual

Takuma Oishi

  • Strategic Designer
  • Project Director

Takuma is a strategic designer who stands at the intersection of business and creative, developing new businesses and products. He constructs concepts and business models using design research, workshops, and other methods. In addition to design thinking, he develops an approach that combines behavioural economics and system thinking.

Graduating from Kyoto Institute of Technology, Design and Management Engineering, at university, he studied product design, management and engineering in a cross-disciplinary manner, giving him an insight into product development from a wide range of perspectives. He practised service design at a design firm during which he was involved in the launch of many products and services, as well as UX strategy formulation, information design, and direction in website production and app development. He joined Takram in 2019.


Other Members

Jun Murakoshi
Product Designer, Service Designer, Project Director
Yoshifumi Yanai
Verbal Designer, Project Director
Miki Tsutsui
Designer, Editor
Guri Amano
Project Facilitator
Hayato Shin
Business Designer, Project Director
Kaoru Tanaka
Design Consultant, Designer
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